
The Coordination Europe-Haiti is an association of organisations and platforms working in and for Haiti. Our platform is member-driven.

We combine lobby & advocacy at the European level with that at the level of individual European countries. Each member works with a network of partner organisations and civil society leaders in Haiti, with whom we liaise frequently in order to inform our advocacy.



Geomoun is an NGO active in Haiti and Belgium working since 2000 on development cooperation projects. Geomoun favors actions that are part of a long-term vision, aiming at sustainable improvement of living conditions in the following areas: education, vocational training and access to employment; child protection, health, nutrition, hygiene, medical care and psycho-social monitoring of the most disadvantaged children.

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Collectif Haïti de France

Collectif Haïti de France


Collectif Haiti de France (CHF) is a French association, which exists since 1992 and groups some 80 organisations and 150 members who support Haiti and its democratic, economic, social and cultural development. CHF informs France on news and debate in Haiti, it brings together a network of French-Haitian actors, and supports Haitian civil society.

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Secours Catholique

Secours Catholique

Secours Catholique was founded in 1946. The organisation works in solidarity with the Catholic Church in Haiti since 1964, and with Caritas Haiti since its creation in 1976, supporting projects in the area of human development. This collaboration has expanded progressively to other actors of civil society in different sectors : food security, social and solidary economy, child protection, vocational training and defence of human rights.

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Bread for the World/Brot für die Welt

Bread for the World/Brot für die Welt

BfdW has been working in Haiti with independent partner organizations since the mid 1980ies. In order to contribute to strengthening democratic and participative structures in Haitian Society, we are working in the following priority areas: 1. Strengthening of Civil Society / Human Rights, 2 2. Sustainable Rural Development, 3. Access to Basic Services  (with focus on health services) and 4. Strengthening our Partner Organizations.

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Plate-Forme Haïti de Suisse

Plate-Forme Haïti de Suisse


Plate-Forme Haiti de Suisse was founded in 1992. It brings together more than 20 Swiss organisations that support projects and programmes for sustainable development in Haiti in the following areas: education, training, rural development, health, institutional capacity building, human rights and promotion of peace, social economy and humanitarian aid. PFHS has three strategies: sharing information, mutual consultation, action & advocacy.

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Misereor, the aid agency of the Catholic Church in Germany, has collaborated with numerous partner organisations in Haiti for more than 55 years. Misereor and its Haitian partners fight against poverty, degradation of natural resources and injustice. Priorities: agro-ecological and educational activities, human rights, health, education and strengthening of organisations.

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CCFD-Terre Solidaire

CCFD-Terre Solidaire


The Catholic Committee against Hunger and For Development (CCFD-Terre Solidaire) is a French development NGO acting in Haiti for 50 years. It supports actions designed and implemented by six local partner organisations around two lines: the development of viable economic alternatives in rural areas and the promotion of local democracy.

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Entraide et Fraternité

Entraide et Fraternité


Entraide et Fraternité is a Belgian development NGO active in Haiti since 1995. It supports, in particular financially, Haitian organisations – NGOs or movements – working in the area of popular education alongside local farmers and regional organisations, promoting small-scale farming, food sovereignty and an economy of solidarity.

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Broederlijk Delen

Broederlijk Delen


A Belgian (Flemish) NGO working in Haiti with national and regional partner organisations, more specifically in the Nord-Est and Bas Plateau Central regions. In Haiti, BD focuses on 3 themes: environment, sustainable agriculture and the promotion of human rights.

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