This page brings together the latest news from Haiti, provided by independent websites and Twitter accounts. You will also find blogs from members of our platform, and friends from Haiti and abroad.
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Will Controlling the “Tie-Wearing Bandits” Solve the Security Crisis in Haiti?
Since the establishment of a new executive in Haiti in May 2024, led by a Presidential Transition Council (CPT) and a new Prime Minister, the country’s security situation remains alarming, despite the arrival of foreign troops under the Multinational Security Support Mission (MMAS). Former President Michel Martelly, recently sanctioned by the United States for his involvement in drug trafficking and his support for armed gangs, now embodies the figure of the “tie-wearing bandit.” While these sanctions mark a symbolic turning point, questions persist about their real impact on the ground, given the past role of the United States in his rise to power. In this context, support from the European Union for the Haitian justice system to combat criminal elites would be a welcome initiative.
Appeal by the Coordination Europe Haiti to the European Union to support a fair and sustainable transition in Haiti
The Coordination Europe Haïti (CoEH) has launched an appeal to the European Union on the occasion of the appointment of Garry Conille as Haiti’s new Prime Minister and his cabinet. The challenges facing the new government are immense. The COEH calls on the European Union to apply its fundamental values and principles of justice, democracy and human rights in its policy towards Haiti. The COEH calls on the EU to allocate significant resources to help Haiti deal with the various crises. And to support the establishment of a Truth and Justice Commission in Haiti, tasked with investigating the workings of the gangs and identifying their supporters, in order to bring justice to the victims and contribute to the implementation of an effective policy to combat the trafficking of illegal arms and munitions in Haiti.
Haiti, a new government finally in place
After Garry Conille was sworn in as Haiti’s new Prime Minister, his cabinet members were installed on June 12 and 13, 2024. The formation of this government that features both fresh faces and promoted officials involved tough negotiations. However, some appointments have sparked protests, due to concerns over the appointees’ qualifications and commitment. Conille has formed an inclusive government with women, young people, and diaspora members, partially fulfilling his promise. Key positions are held by individuals with international experience, highlighting the international community’s influence in Haiti. Despite the cabinet’s flaws, citizens are relieved to see new leadership, hoping for concrete actions to address the country’s challenges. Conille has vowed to combat gangs, restore state authority, and regain control of “lost territories,” earning support from the international community. Conille has also to address urgently the humanitarian crisis, with over 500,000 displaced people. The government must reorganize and rebuild quickly to restore hope without repeating past mistakes.
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